Sunshine in a Bowl 

Plant-Based Coaching for a Healthy Body & Fresh Mind. 
Learn healthy cooking methods and get recipes that will make you feel like the best version of yourself. 

Hey and welcome to Sunshine in a Bowl

My name is Mor and I'm obsessed with healthy living and plant-based nutrition. I’m a Plant-Based Health Coach from Israel with a Vegan Nutritionist Diploma and am here to share all my pro-tips and tricks, tasty recipes, and knowledge with you. As well as all the experience I've gained throughout the time I’ve lived this amazing lifestyle.

Wherever you are on your journey towards a healthy lifestyle and diet, I’m sure you’ll find all the handy info and tools you need to support you when you book a session with me.

My Story

So, how did my journey begin? 

Why have I decided to choose a whole food plant-based diet and lifestyle?

It all began in 2017. It was another regular morning in our lives (at that time we were already vegetarian and rarely ate meat). It was early in the morning and my husband, Dor, felt a sudden pain in his chest which he described as a burning sensation combined with heavy pressure on the heart.

“Call an ambulance NOW!”

I immediately called the emergency service and an ambulance was there after a few minutes. The medical team arrived and performed the required examinations to rule out a heart attack, and announced that we had nothing to worry about. We drove to the ER to do some more tests as a precaution. 

After hours of stress waiting in the ER waiting room without knowing what was going on, Dor finally came out with some bad news. 
(One important thing I forgot to mention is that we currently live in Berlin and at that time German was new to us. We couldn't communicate perfectly back then and things weren't so clear to us, especially medical terms). 

Anyway they told him that his heart monitoring tests weren't normal and that we should go to our family doctor and proceed with more tests. So we did this, and even flew back to our homeland (Israel) to perform more tests and compensate for the language barrier. 

Endless tests, numerous specialists and 0 diagnoses…. 

We took every possible tests that could be relevant to the symptoms Dor was having. All the tests came back normal, and no one could tell us what the problem was. Dor was still experiencing a great deal of pain especially after meals. We were both stressed from the whole situation and desperate to find the cure.

It was frustrating! We were tired and exhausted from this process and just wanted someone to give us a comprehensive explanation for what was going on with Dor. We met with cardiologists, gastroenterologists, general doctors, and other experts. We had just had enough of the conventional medical care and from being thrown from one prognosis to another without being asked even once about our nutrition habits or lifestyle. 

The basic thing to expect when you have stomach issues, no?! 

We had no other choice but to research it by ourselves. Then one of our friends recommended us reading "How Not Die" by the one and only Dr. Michael Greger. So we read it but that was only the beginning of this marvelous journey. 

We discovered a whole new world of terms, experts and habits that changed our lives for good. You’re probably expecting to hear a complicated explanation about what we did that eventually put us out of our misery…

But actually the solution was simple - It was all about the food!

“You are what you eat,” you must have heard it millions of times… it's true. Once we changed our diets and habits and educated ourselves on how to fuel our bodies with the right ingredients, we could simply feel it in every vitality level. We felt better physically and mentally, and our energy levels were skyrocketing. 

It was a magical transformation and it keeps getting better exponentially. I have to admit that this experience has turned me into a health addict, because since then I just can't stop following new researches and books coming out in the nutrition field.

There is such an incredible movement of physicians and caregivers out there that support and encourage this way of living without any personal interest except for saving this planet and everyone who shares it (humans, plants & animals) from diseases or extinction.

It’s time to give back…

So after a few years, I feel it's about time to be more active, take part in this important revolution, and pass along this powerful knowledge and tools simply because, I believe we all deserve to live a healthy, joyful and tasty lifestyle. 

And that is exactly why I decided to take it one step further and become a Certificated Vegan Nutritionist. It doesn’t mean you should follow the exact path I chose and eat the same things I do but, I’m sure you can learn how to incorporate this practical knowledge in your own life.


How Can You Benefit from My Knowledge?

Right now I offer Plant-Based Coaching, Food Education, and Cooking Sessions in English and Hebrew on various topics. My sessions are both practical and theoretical, you will learn the important facts and then we will work together in the kitchen, go to the supermarket and implement what we studied together. 

My sessions are tailored to one’s needs and vary from one person to another. Prior to the meeting we will discuss and understand your targets and act accordingly.

Optional Sessions

Healthy Cooking

Healthy Plant-Based 
Cooking Sessions

Practical session - Learn the basics about food groups, nutrition values, assembling a healthy meal, and healthy cooking methods.

The session takes place in your kitchen - in your natural cooking environment, and is suitable for individuals and small groups.  
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Lifestyle Transitioning 

Step by Step Transition to Healthy Plant-Based Living

If you’re a vegan or interested in becoming one, this is exactly for you! I offer you a package of 4 sessions - practical and theoretical. 
In each session we will cover different topics, and by the end, you will learn how to thrive using a healthy plant-based diet. 

How the process goes?
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 Nutritional Elements     

Healthy Plant-Based 
Coaching Session

Theoretical 1O1 session -  Learn the basics about food groups, nutrition values, assembling an healthy meal, and healthy cooking methods.  

The session is available online or in person we can meet at my place or your/ at your favourite coffee place. Suitable for individuals. 

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Gain Knowledge 

Food Education 
for a Specific Purpose

You've probably heard that healthy diet can impact you in many aspects of your life including: Fitness, Mindfulness, Weight Control, Brain Activity, Sleep and even Toxins... If you want to improve any of the above, there are certain foods and habits that you can learn about and adopt, that will eventually help you to achieve your goal. 
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In my sessions, I will give you my personal healthy cooking techniques and methods to create easy, clean and balanced meals even if you don’t have passion for cooking! 
I will assist you with making smarter groceries choices in the supermarket and educate you about the harmful ingredients you should avoid.

Sunshine In Your Life

Office Events

Sunshine in The Office 
Chef Experience For a Day

Plant-based bliss from morning snacks to lunch and sweets, all sugar-free & oil-free! During the event, participants will gain added value about ingredients and the benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for themselves and the environment.

The event takes place at the office and suitable for groups of 10-20 people.
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Home Cooking

Sunshine in Your Home 
Batch Cooking and Meal Prep in Your Kitchen

Plant-based living can be overwhelming, especially if you are too busy to learn new recipes and cooking techniques. Let me spare you the time and prepare you healthy meals you can enjoy during your busy routine.

Suitable for any household from individuals to families.
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Take The 1st Step Towards Healthy Lifestyle

The first step is always the hardest but, keep in mind that great things don't come from comfort zones.

What Clients Say

" way to eat ! and so convenient and authentic"
"Thanks so much for the delicious lunch! :) I really liked it - especially the cookies and the salad!"
"I learned about food, how you can cook without oils, or even salt and still have delicious meals. How combining different ingredients helps your body absorb different nutrients/mineral more. How important it is to make sure you eat many veggies and fruits and explore different ways of making them.."
"Fresh, healthy, delicious food directly in your office!! What's not to like?!"
"And again. . . thanks for the amazing lunch! 😍"
"Thanks a lot for the session I definitely learned quite something... for me the central and most enjoyable part was the cooking itself. When doing practical tasks, I learn much better how things work and how to change my habits..."
"It was an amazing service with a smile, and I learned that you can make really delicious food without any of the regular unhealthy ingredients which we think are needed to make it delicious!"
"I've been vegan for the last 4 years and even though, in my session with Mor I've learned a lot of good useful information, inspiration, good guidance, professional insight and advice..." 
"The session with Mor was a very helpful insight in preparing healthy vegan food. She gave us a lot of useful information on how to adapt our everyday cooking so that we don't need to crave for dairy products, oil, salt or the like and had an answer to all our questions.."
"I can highly recommend to attend one of the Sunshine in a Bowl events. Yummy and healthy food prepared by a chef with a passion for food! Mor is always approachable for any questions that you might have about ingredients and food pairings!"
"...a great, affordable way to get back on track to eat healthy, yammi, affordable meals"
"Thanks a lot, first time I didn't fall a sleep at that time of the day! Really delicious!"
"If you want to shift your diet from vegetarian to vegan, Mor can assist! I’ve learned how to make the right food choices, assemble a balanced meal, and healthy cooking techniques. I highly recommend scheduling a session with her.."

Ready for your first session?


From the Blog

June 29, 2021
Can Stress Be Good for Your Health?

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April 7, 2021
How to Grocery Shop for a Healthier Diet

If you’re looking to experience fat-loss results, or simply want to boost your overall health, one of the best decisions you can make is to only keep healthy foods in the house. If you keep unhealthy snacks and convenience meals on hand, the chances you’ll consume them are far greater. Use smart grocery shopping strategies […]

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October 7, 2020
How to Plan the Perfect Breakfast

Make no mistake about it – breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Serving up a delicious and nutritious breakfast is a great way to control food cravings throughout the day and give your body an instant boost of nutrition at a prime time when it needs replenishment. Breakfast is a […]

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How Can You Reach Me?

My current location is Berlin, but no matter where you are located video calls are optional as well. 
Feel free to contact me for other questions or any kind of support.

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